Joker Joins Super Smash Bros. Ultimate In Ver. 3.0 Tomorrow

Ver. 3.0 of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is set to launch tomorrow! Included is the addition of the new fighter, Joker. The new stage Mementos along with 11 Persona music tracks will also come alongside Joker as part of Challenger Pack 1.

Six new Mii Fighter costumes are also launching alongside this update for $0.75 each. These are the Morgana hat, the Teddie hat, the Persona 4 protagonist outfit, the Persona 3 protagonist outfit, the Tails outfit, and the Knuckles outfit.

Some new free content is also releasing as part of Ver. 3.0. The first being the returning Stage Builder, which will allow players to create their own stages to Smash on. A new Video Editor option is also being added to let players edit clips together seamlessly in-game.

Created stages, video clips, and even Mii Fighters can then be shared online via the new Shared Content screen. Stages and Miis can be download through Shared Content to your game too! All content can also be upvoted and creators can be followed to see their latest creations.

Smash World is finally launching in the Nintendo Switch Online app too, which will let players see videos, stages, and more all on their smartphone devices.

All of this comes to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as part of the Ver. 3.0 update tomorrow, April 17th, 2019. Joker is available as part of the Fighter Pass for $24.99 or separately in Challenger Pack 1 for $5.99.

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